South Australia

Plastic Bag Ban On 1 March 2022, oxo-degradable plastic products were banned from manufacture and production in South Australia. Oxo-degradable plastic products have additives which enable the plastic to break down into tiny fragments (or microplastics) rather than completely breaking down. This legislation is helping lead to rapid change when it comes to ‘picking up after your dog’. Many councils are getting on board to supply compostable bags in dog exercise areas and to residents replacethewaste.
Research - composted dog poo for use on vege gardens An Adelaide-based researcher (aka Dr. Dog Poo) is hoping to pave the way for cleaner and greener pets. Researcher and PhD candidate Emily Bryson is determining whether dog poo composted at home is safe for use in backyard vegetable gardens.
Dog park composting dog poo An Adelaide foothills Council trial in 2019 at two dog parks has led to a permanent program to supply compostable bags so dog waste is dealt with via a bio-mediation heating system and turned into nutrient rich garden compost. A feature of the bins is the use of a fill level sensor that helps determine bin collection requirements, saving time and truck kilometres.
Dog park compost trial, dog owner education and dog owner survey Port Elliot Dog Waste Project aimed to reduce dog waste and plastic bags going to landfill funded by a council Community Environment grant in late 2019. The project included a 12-week trial in a dog park, weighing and recording waste diverted using a green organics bin, dog owner surveys about knowledge and behaviours related to disposal of dog waste, improving dog owner knowledge about compostable bags and the compost seedling logo and looking into in-situ and at -home composting options.