EPWN seeks knowledge to inform efforts to reduce pet waste to landfill. Our volunteers investigate, experiment, discover and interpret available information to help support individuals and communities that want to repurpose pet waste.
There are limited large, well-designed, science-based studies with definitive answers. The good news is that there are a wide variety of examples where the work of others can help guide people interested in this field.
New reports, trials and information are becoming available as people around the world engage in the United Nations net zero efforts to halt dangerous climate change (add link to UN here).
This information can be useful in making a case for re-purposing dog and cat poop in eco-friendly ways in your community. You can refer to them when considering a project, applying for grants, or advocating for public funding, policy or regulation changes.

Reports, publications
A Critical Review - Household dog fecal composting: Current issues and future directions, Emily Bryson, Amie Anastasi, Lisa Bricknell, Ryan Kift. Integrated Environmental and Assessment Management, 2024
Composting Dog Waste, Alaska "how to" booklet (Fairbanks AK US)​
Comprehensive management of dog faeces: Composting versus anaerobic digestion Journal of Environmental Management, November 2019
Cat Litter and Dog Feces: Compost or Waste? Jason Hofman, Ph.D 2010 (Halifax, NS CAN)
Composting for Animal Shelters and Kennels Matthew Stevens 2001
Comparative Study of the Potential of Dog Waste for Biogas Production, E.C. Okoroigwe, CC.N. Ibeto, and G. Okpara, University of Nigeria
Nutrient fertilization by dogs in peri-urban ecosystems Pieter De Frenne, Mathias Cougnon, Geert P. J. Janssens, Pieter Vangansbeke, 2022
What do Australians do with their dog poo? A survey of dog-owning household practices and attitudes, Emily Bryson, Amie Anastasi, Lisa Bricknell, Ryan Kift. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 2024
Trial projects
Municipal, council studies
Dog Owner Behaviors Regarding Pet Waste (Boulder, Colorado US)
Design, Testing and Implementation of Large-scale Urban Dog Compost Program (Toronto, Ontario CAN)
Comparative Analysis of Dog Waste Processing Methods for Metro Vancouver (Vancouver, British Columbia CAN)
Dog Off Leash Area Strategy (Surrey, British Columbia CAN)
2006 Parks Waste Audit - Final Report (Toronto, Ontario CAN)
Design, Testing and Implementation of a Large-Scale Urban Dog Waste Composting Program (Montreal, Quebec CAN)