What You Can Do
If you have a cat or a dog, then you know that their waste and litter can quickly add ballast to the weekly garbage bin. And chances are good that if you’re lucky enough to have an organics recycling service, that pet waste may still be a no-no. Or maybe you're a concerned community member, thinking surely there are better ways to dispose of the waste besides tied up in plastic, and left to sit in a garbage bin until it gets taken away to landfill. So what can you do? That's where we can help!
Pet waste can account for up to 12 percent of household waste!
It’s organic matter yet most of it ends up in landfill.
Let’s keep landfill for waste that has no other option and return pet waste nutrients to the soil.

Pet Owners
We all love our pets. Did you know we can all take steps to make pet waste disposal kinder to the planet? Even small changes can make a difference to the health of our planet, so take a look at the options.
Know and understand the compostable logo
Use certified compostable pet poo pick up bags
Know about and use eco-friendly pet poo disposal methods
Lobby to get eco-friendly pet waste collection services where you live and in your parks

Community groups play a key role in helping keep dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter out of landfill.
Advocate for more eco-friendly pet waste options
Apply for funding grants to trial local projects
Improve pet owner awareness and knowledge of eco-friendly pet poo disposal methods
Advocate for certified compostable pet poo pickup bags and community bins to collect dog and cat poo for composting


Government plays a key role in helping keep dog and cat waste, plastic bags and clay litter out of landfill.
Improve pet owner awareness and knowledge of eco-friendly pet poo disposal methods and outline strategies in local government/ municipality domestic animal management plans
Provide certified compostable pet poo pickup bags and community bins to collect dog and cat poo for composting
Provide eco-friendly pet waste disposal infrastructure and services
Include dog and cat poo and clay litter in targets to reduce landfill
Provide the policy framework and targets to guide practice (International, Federal, Provincial/ State and Council/Municipality)


Businesses help provide the infrastructure and services that enable pet poo composting or biodigestion
Use and promote eco-friendly pet waste disposal methods
Include pet waste as an accepted recycling material
Supply eco-friendly pet waste disposal services and products
Educate consumers on the benefits of sustainable choices