Community Involvement

There are a wide variety of community groups taking on projects to help manage pet waste better. Surveys of dog owners have shown there is a willingness by many to do the 'right thing' but they are often confused about their options.
Community groups can play a key role to improve pet owner education of key messages, gain funds to trial projects in their town, and advocate for eco-friendly services, for example ask their municipality/ council for green community dog poop bins and compostable bags at dog off lead areas and community parks, offer incentives to buy a home pet composter.

Pet owners and community organisations want to manage pet waste better. For a long time, education strategies to pick up after our dogs have worked. The dog poop has been picked up, but we failed to act on the “then what”!
Learn more about what's next by clicking the PDF link.

Whether advocating for pet waste repurposing projects or policy changes, ‘normal’ people will find power in numbers. Look for like-minded associates who will see the effort as a win-win – for their and their community’s goals and values. Invite eco-savvy pet lovers to join a pack that will take a bite out of landfill waste. We can do much better at reusing the earth’s finite resources!
Find out more by clicking on the PDF link.
Grant RFP's

Raising funds is fundamental for implementing and ensuring the continuity of pet waste repurposing projects. Applying for grants is a good way to organise the information needed for efficient operations. In some cases, asking a decision-making board to add a budget item is sufficient if enough local residents demonstrate enthusiasm for positive change. Obtaining a grant or fundraising assets can garner support from the public and key decision-makers.
Learn more about grants by clicking on the PDF link.