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Doggy Dunnies is a simple and effective solution in resolving the ever-increasing volume of dog waste going to landfill.

Cartoon critters share the message
Welcome to EPWN critters! Thanks to Leigh Brown and Laura Coffey for producing these critters and messages for the Enviro Pet Waste...

What do Australians do with their dog poo?
Keywords: Dog faeces; Household waste practices; Waste collection; Waste disposal; Home compost; Compost attitudes Australian dog owners...

Help create a new cat statistic.
Average weight of cat poop per cat per day. We need a robust measure for the average weight of cat poo per day to aid data to help shine...

Cat Litter Trial
We asked some Aussie cat lovers to put an Aussie brand of plant-based cat litter to the test. Apart from its credentials as a plant-based...

Composted pet waste vs. chemical fertilizer
Whenever you go into the garden section of a hardware or home improvement store, you’ll notice the shelves stocked with bags of...

Woofs and thanks to BioBag USA!
2024 SILVER POOPLOOP SPONSOR BioBag Pet Waste Bags are made from resins derived from plants, vegetable oils and compostable polymers....

1,000 dogs came, played, pooped at AKC's Meet the Breeds event
Behind the scenes at the American Kennel Club’s 11th annual Meet the Breeds event in New York City, a Manhattan neighborhood that...

EPWN: Seen and heard
In 2023 a number of organizations, including media outlets, contacted EPWN for information on how to manage pet waste sustainably. The...

EPWN Student Projects 2023
1. A bagless dog poop collection trial in a vet clinic and apartment setting. The clinic went to scooping poop, banning plastic bags and...
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