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Vancouver considers other options for dog waste recycling
Currently, dog waste is collected in plastic bags that do not quickly or easily break down, so diverting the waste from landfill has...
Composting program at dog park in Lafayette, Colorado
The Lafayette Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department, in collaboration with the Lafayette Waste Reduction Committee, is pleased to...
Asheville scooper says, “We scoop up the poo…and compost it too”
For several years, Pet Poo Skiddoo in Asheville provided dog waste pick-up services, composting all of it using Earth Cubes. The company...
London, Ont. considers allowing dog waste in green bins
Four-legged Londoners just might be in luck. After years of debate and a pandemic-driven delay to London’s green bin program, city hall...
Halifax to pilot dog waste compost program at a local park
Halifax – which already collects pet waste as part of its residential green bin program – will be trying something new according new in...
Boulder upcycling at trail heads
How does Boulder Open Spaces and Mountain Parks encourage hikers with dogs to keep trails poo free and foster sustainability? The agency...
FTC cracks down on dog bag degradability claims
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission warned 20 dog waste bag manufacturers and marketers to revise or remove their promotional materials...
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